If you’re a low-income earner, saving for your retirement can feel daunting. Fortunately, the Australian Government have some programs to help you prepare, including the Low Income Super Tax Offset (LISTO). What does the Low Income Super Tax Offset program offer? The Low Income Super Tax Offset is a government program to help low-income earners […]
Your Tax and Finances
Your Tax and Finances: Money Tips | Budget and Savings | Superannuation | Rental Income
Capital gains tax: Does it apply to you?
What is capital gains tax? Capital gains tax (CGT) is the tax you pay on profits you make from the sale of a capital asset such as real estate or shares. A capital gain is when you sell a capital asset for more than you originally paid for it. You are required to pay tax on […]
How to claim tax deductible donations
When you give money to a charity, your gift is often a tax deductible donation Like many Australians, you might have a charity or cause that’s close to your heart. Tax deductible donations are a great way to give your tax refund a boost, while contributing to a worthy cause you care about. It really […]
Work related travel expenses – what can you claim?
Let’s explain how to turn work related travel expenses into dollars in your pocket at tax time. What exactly is a work-related travel expense? If you travel for work, any purchases you make related to that travel, can usually be claimed as a work related travel expense on your tax return. Of course, there are […]
Lost your job due to Covid-19? What now?
What do you do if you’ve lost your job? Just a few months ago very few people had ever heard of Coronavirus but now that virus has literally and completely changed the way we live. With so many businesses shut down or reducing hours, thousands of people now face unemployment, or are struggling to make […]
Loyalty Tax – What is it and how to avoid paying it.
What is Loyalty Tax? Firstly, it’s important to note that Loyalty Tax has absolutely nothing to do with the ATO. Loyalty tax is a sneaky, underhanded way that companies extract money from all of us us. Fortunately, loyalty tax is avoidable. Some of the most well-known and trusted companies in Australia apply a loyalty tax […]
What are franked dividends and how do franking credits work?
Approximately one-third of Australians own shares held directly in their name. It’s really quite common, and many of them receive dividends on those shares. But when it comes to how dividends are taxed, it can suddenly seem very confusing. What are the tax benefits of fully franked dividends and franking credits? Think back to the […]
Worried about job security? Up-skill to protect yourself!
Up-skilling to protect your existing job seems tough, but in recent years it’s become the norm across many industries. Plenty of jobs that used to be common just don’t exist anymore. When was the last time you saw a milkman doing the rounds? (Or, have you ever seen a milkman?) The flipside is that change […]
How to save money – 3 money saving tips to ignite your savings
Not feeling the love for your savings account? With so many increases in the cost of living, many of us are feeling the pinch in our savings accounts. We regularly hear of people actually having to dip into their savings to make ends meet, or make purchases that just couldn’t be put off any longer. […]
Property investors: Is your investment property tax smart?
With the ATO cracking down on investment property expense claims, making sure you’re ‘tax smart’ and in control of your finances is more important than ever. How do you keep your investment property expenses, taxes and finances in order? And how do you keep the ATO out of your hair? It all starts with good […]
Getting Married and Taxes: What you need to know for your next tax return
Marriage is an exciting and joyful time, but when it comes tax and your spouse, it’s also a source of confusion amongst taxpayers in Australia. At Etax, prospective newlyweds often ask us about the tax implications of getting married. Often, they want to know whether a joint tax return is needed when their relationship status […]
Heading overseas to Work? You need our Australian expat tax guide!
Traveling to work or study overseas is hugely exciting but when it comes to Australian expat tax obligations, there can be a bit of administration and paperwork that comes with the move. Read on to make your transition to working overseas easier! Australian residency and tax All Australian residents are required to lodge tax returns […]
APRA Super-fund or a Self-Manged Super Fund?
Choosing the Right Super Option for Your Unique Needs Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) are growing in popularity and more Australians are using them to build their retirement funds. But what are SMSFs and, most importantly, are they worth it? We provide you a comparison between the two most popular options, self-managed and APRA-regulated funds, to […]
Saving Money: How to save a million dollars (really) – plus how to save money faster
How to be great at saving money It’s a comfort to know you can get your hands on some money quickly if you need it – without resorting to a loan from a bank, family or friends. It’s also a comfort to know you’ll be able to reach goals like buying a home and retiring comfortably. […]
5 Common Tax Return Mistakes
The most common tax return mistakes are easily detected by the ATO The ATO works hard to find mistakes on tax returns. With more tools and access granted to them every year, it’s getting easier all the time. So, if you think you can get away with a few extra deductions or leaving off your […]