Use the automated tax return calculator to check your next ATO tax refund
Wondering what your tax refund might be this year? Find out in 1 minute with the tax return calculator! The calculator will accurately estimate your next ATO tax refund.
Don’t have a final income statement or other tax documents quite yet? That’s ok! Just ‘predict’ the final yearly amount based on your most recent payslip.
Or, if you still need to finish your overdue 2024 return now, click here to finish your tax return in just minutes!
Australian 2024 Tax Return Calculator
Add your details below, then click “Calculate”. The more details you add, the more accurate your refund estimate. It’s quick, free and easy to use!
Your estimated tax refund: $0.00
This tax refund calculator provides a general estimate of your tax refund or payable, based on the numbers you enter. The calculator above uses 2024 ATO tax rules, as the 2025 rules have not been confirmed yet.
This form is not your official tax return. To get your tax return, please click below to finish your tax return now.
Ready to lodge your tax return and get that refund?
It takes just a few minutes online, with live online support to help boost your refund.
Are you a temporary or part-year resident in Australia, or are you on a visa?
The calculator above is for people who are Australian residents for tax purposes. Which means, citizens or permanent residents who lived in Australia for the full tax year (excluding holiday travel etc.).
If you are on a working holiday, have a visa, are working overseas or any other non-permanent arrangement, do not rely on the tax calculator above (nor any other simple online calculator), because it can’t make adjustments for your situation. It’s best to do your tax return via the “get started” button. Inside your Etax return, you can add your visa details and dates, and Etax will correctly calculate an accurate tax refund estimate.
What you need for an accurate tax refund calculation
- Total (gross) income payments you received
- Total amount of tax withheld from your pay
- Other income, including bank interest
- Total amount of work-related tax deductions you’ll claim
- HECS balance
Next, the tax return calculator on this page will ask a couple more questions about marital status and private health care and dependent children. That’s it!
Should I ‘shop around’ for a tax return calculator that gives the biggest refund estimate?
No! You need an accurate calculation, not the biggest calculation.
Why? Because you want to know how much your ATO tax refund will really be. A big made-up number that you’ll never receive does you more harm than good.
The tax return calculator up above uses the latest logic and tax rates from the ATO. It updates whenever the ATO makes tax system changes (usually in June each year). If you enter accurate numbers in the tax return calculator, you will get an accurate estimate of your tax refund.
Every online tax return calculator gives an approximate or ‘ballpark’ refund estimate. Many calculators, including ones provided by the ATO, can be inaccurate. They don’t properly account for the Medicare levy and other items that affect your tax refund. That means, the calculators might give you an estimate that’s higher than the refund you’ll actually receive when you lodge your tax return.
This tax calculator above saves you time and gives you a basic tax refund estimate. However, because it only contains eight main items, it’s just a rough estimate. We always recommend checking the tax calculator inside the Etax tax return which is extremely accurate!

For a more accurate tax return calculator, plus tools that help boost your tax refund, enter your details in the Etax online tax return.
- Advanced tax refund calculator
- Private and secure
- Save deductions and receipts year-round, so they are ready for your next tax return
- Etax can pre-fill most of the return for you based on ATO data
- You’ll get valuable tax updates plus online and phone support
- Online convenience and professional tax agent service (no appointments)
- Your tax questions answered – anytime – by a professional accountant
- Etax Accountants is Australia’s #1 online tax agent – since 1998
Remember: The sooner you lodge your tax return, the sooner you’ll get your refund!
How to use the “complete” tax refund calculator and see your most accurate tax refund estimate:
- Start your tax return and create your account. (Already have an account? Just click here to login).
- Enter your income from all sources.
- Next, go ahead and add your other income or deductions.
As you go, watch the top part of your screen – your refund estimate is right there. The tax refund calculator will adjust automatically for each new number you add to your return. You don’t need to click save or anything, just keep adding your details. The Etax return will keep up with you. It re-calculates your refund estimate constantly, based on the latest details you entered.
Get ready to do your taxes in a couple of minutes
Some people avoid their taxes and procrastinate. However, with Etax, these days there are no appointments and nothing to worry about. It is better to get your tax refund now – and forget about taxes for another year. Start your Etax return any time.
You’ll be amazed at the way it completes most of the info for you. It’s fast and easy. And it helps you find deductions that improve your tax refund!