If it falls into any of the categories we discussed in our uniform expenses post, you can also make a claim for the cost of laundering those uniforms.
The way you calculate your laundry expenses will depend on your how you clean your uniform. We’ve created the following table which lists some of the possible methods for laundering your work clothes as well as how to calculate your deduction.
Means of cleaning
Method of calculating expenses
At home – washing eligible work clothes only
$1 per load
At home – washing eligible work clothes and other laundry items
50 cents per load
Laundromat – washing eligible work clothes only
$1 per load or total of actual expenses incurred
Laundromat – washing eligible work clothes and other laundry items
50 cents per load or share of actual expenses incurred
Dry Cleaning
Total of actual expenses incurred
The amounts we’ve listed above include the cost of washing, drying and ironing your clothes, not simply washing them.
Some important details about laundry expenses
If you choose to use the “per load” method for your claim we recommend you keep the details of:
the number of times you washed your clothes during the year and,
the types of clothes you included per load.
You must have written evidence (e.g. diary entries or receipts) if your claim for laundry is greater than $150 and your total claim for all work expenses is more than $300.
Laundry expenses tax diary
Use this laundry diary template to list all of your laundry expenses which you can claim on your next tax return.
Did you receive a laundry allowance from your employer?
If you received an allowance from your employer for laundry expenses you must include this on your tax return as it is considered part of your income.
You are still able to claim a deduction even if you have received an allowance, but it is important that you claim the deduction for the amount you actually spent, not the amount of your allowance.
Therefore, if your allowance was $200 for the year, but your laundry and uniform expenses only amounted to $150, you would claim $150. On the flipside if your allowance was $200 for the year, but your expenses were $250 you would claim the full $250.
Did you know you could claim your work uniform as a tax deduction? Have any further questions about work-related expenses? Feel free to contact us on [email protected] or share your thoughts over on our Facebook page!