What do you do if you’ve lost your job? Just a few months ago very few people had ever heard of Coronavirus but now that virus has literally and completely changed the way we live. With so many businesses shut down or reducing hours, thousands of people now face unemployment, or are struggling to make […]
How to apply for Jobseeker Payments (or other coronavirus stimulus payments)
Loosing your job is a stressful enough event on it’s own, take into account the global COVID-19 pandemic and the last thing you will want to have to deal with is the process of applying for a jobseeker payment at Centrelink. It is not easy to navigate the myGov or the Centrelink website. To make […]
Coronavirus Stimulus Information for Small Businesses: Everything small businesses need to know
The devastating coronavirus pandemic has hit small businesses hard. As a result, a number of sole traders are without work and many small businesses closed their doors and let go staff. Consequently, the Australian Government recently issued two rounds of stimulus packages to help business owners. The first stimulus package on 12 March included a […]
Coronavirus Stimulus for Individuals: Here’s everything you need to know.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic many Australians are currently facing severe financial hardship due to loss of employment or income. Therefore, the Australian Government has responded with two rounds of coronavirus stimulus for individuals. The first announcement on 12 March included a $17.6 billion stimulus package for individuals and businesses. The second announcement, […]
Worried about job security? Up-skill to protect yourself!
Up-skilling to protect your existing job seems tough, but in recent years it’s become the norm across many industries. Plenty of jobs that used to be common just don’t exist anymore. When was the last time you saw a milkman doing the rounds? (Or, have you ever seen a milkman?) The flipside is that change […]
Property investors: Is your investment property tax smart?
With the ATO cracking down on investment property expense claims, making sure you’re ‘tax smart’ and in control of your finances is more important than ever. How do you keep your investment property expenses, taxes and finances in order? And how do you keep the ATO out of your hair? It all starts with good […]
Unpaid Internships: The Experience Problem
If you’re studying or looking to change careers, you’ve probably encountered the ‘experience paradox’. Most job ads prefer that you have previous experience in the industry, but you can’t get that experience without a job in the first place. Enter: unpaid internships. They can give you the experience you need to flesh out your resume […]
Saving Money: How to save a million dollars – plus how to save money faster
How to be great at saving money It’s a comfort to know you can get your hands on some money quickly if you need it – without resorting to a loan from a bank, family or friends. It’s also a comfort to know you’ll be able to reach goals like buying a home and retiring comfortably. […]
PAYG Payment Summary: “I Didn’t Get a PAYG This Year”
A lot of people are saying they didn’t get a PAYG summary/group certificate and are wondering what to do about it. Let’s clear this up… Do I need a PAYG to do my tax return? No, you don’t need a PAYG summary/group certificate if, like most Australians, you do your tax return with a tax agent […]
Tax Cuts 2019 – How do they affect your tax refund in 2020?
Tax cuts announced for 2019 mean a lot of Australians get a little boost to their tax refund this year. Like most things at the ATO, it’s complicated. However, the main point is this: You don’t need to do anything.
Airtasker tax guide: Tax FAQs for your Airtasker work
A simple guide to getting your Airtasker taxes right Airtasker has changed the way many people earn an income. Whether you’re already doing tasks or you’re ready to get started, there are some important tax implications you need to know. The big message here is, don’t be duped into thinking you can squirrel away that […]
The First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS): your guide to buying your first home sooner
If you’re someone who’s been saving for a first home deposit, then there’s one scheme you should know about. It’s called the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS). The point of the scheme is to help people of all ages get into their first homes sooner. It was introduced by the Australian Government in the […]
$1,700 in Unpaid Super Every Year – Here’s What You Can Do About It
Would it bother you if your weekly or fortnightly pay was consistently 11.5% short? Once you noticed, would you do something about it? If you’re like most Australians, the answer would be a resounding “Yes!”. Here’s the scary part: this is exactly what’s happening to as many as one in three Australians. So, what’s the […]
How Can I Help My Children To Be Successful and Financially Secure?
How to improve your children’s financial future can be an interesting debate. Parents have lots of different ideas about success for their children (and themselves). But most parents share similar concerns and worries about their children’s long-term financial security and happiness. Money and happiness are not the same thing, but it appears that certain habits […]
Live-in Landlord Tax Deductions: What you should know about rental income tax
Live-in landlords are common these days, as more and more people choose to lease out rooms in a house they own and live in. It can help pay the mortgage, cover the rising costs of living expenses and fill up space that’s otherwise unused. If you lease out part of your home, you’ll receive rent. This is […]