What is the Medicare Levy Surcharge? The Medicare Levy Surcharge is a charge some medium and high income earners pay in addition to the Medicare Levy. Like the Medicare Levy, the surcharge is to help pay for the public health system and to encourage those people who can afford it to take out private health […]
Medicare and Private Health Insurance
Tax Advice: 2024 Tax Return | Increase Your Tax Refund | Tax Deductions | Medicare and Health Insurance | Tax Rebates
The Medicare Levy
What is the Medicare Levy? Have you ever looked at your Notice of Assessment (NOA) or tax refund estimate and seen a line for the Medicare Levy? Not sure what it is? Don’t worry, you’re not alone and this article has got you covered. For most Australians, healthcare is essentially free. If you get sick, […]
Getting Married and Taxes: What you need to know for your next tax return
Marriage is an exciting and joyful time, but when it comes tax and your spouse, it’s also a source of confusion amongst taxpayers in Australia. At Etax, prospective newlyweds often ask us about the tax implications of getting married. Often, they want to know whether a joint tax return is needed when their relationship status […]
Private health insurance rebate tiers to ease health cover confusion
At the beginning of April 2019, private health insurance had a much-needed overhaul. This focused on the introduction of structured health insurance rebate tiers. With confusion growing over what health insurance policies did and didn’t cover, the aim of the new health insurance rebate tiers system is to greatly simplify the process. Making purchasing the […]
Private Health and Your Taxes: “Should I get Private Health Cover?”
There is a lot of debate in the media about the pros and cons of private health insurance. People are often asking, “Should I get private health cover?” Opinions about private health cover are changing. Saving money when it comes to tax time is an important part of the decision. According to Australian consumer watchdog, Choice, cheaper […]
Private Health Rebate: How does it impact my Private Health Insurance?
The private health rebate is a percentage of the total premium amount which can be applied as a reduction to your health insurance premiums or it can be applied as a refundable tax offset come tax time. What impacts my private health rebate? Your rebate is calculated based on your living status, age and income […]